Today is my birthday
and I would like to thank
Meine mutti and meine vater.
For bringing me into this world 29 years ago today.
And for raising me right.
For teaching me to say please, and to write those infernal thank you notes.
For teaching me I am smart.
For telling me I am beautiful.
For taking me to art museums and theater in the park and camping and that one time my dad and I saw the Nuggets play the Utah Jazz.
And we ate pizza hut.
And even for doing things like taking me to see Billy Graham and the opening of the new Focus on the Family facilities in Colorado Springs (even though now in my adulthood I should not be left alone in a room with Dr. Dobson) and purchasing me subscriptions to Brio but also to Seventeen.
For the birthday where you gave me a copy of Seventeen magazine and fancy chocolate mints in the pretty tin.
And the ones where my dad tossed me in the Eisenhower pool.
And the ones where everyone broke their wrists at Skate City.
For the cake that looked like the dog.
And the one I decorated myself that read "Happy Brittany Birthday!"
For letting me spend all summer long laying in my bed not doing a damn thing other than reading and wishing.
For teaching me to think and for teaching me to dream.
I would like to thank my sister too.
For twirling my hair.
Acting in the stupid plays I wrote.
Always playing Stephanie and letting me be D. J.
(Remember the pillow people?)
For listening to Save Ferris and Dr Jones, Jones, calling Dr Jones. Too loud, that one time the summer before I left for college and mom and dad were gone. We were both a little afraid we'd never see each other again.
But we did.
For making me believe that I was someone to be looked up to. (Even when I'm sure I wasn't.)
For getting mad when people were mean to me and writing in you diary how you hated Courtney and wanted to kill her and stab her with a Nife.
I forgive you for stealing my diary and I even forgive dad for reading it to you.
Can I say that I am happy today with who I am without it sounding prideful?
The point is, I have all of you--
---all of it, all of these past 29 years--
To thank.
Love You.
PS For my birthday I am wishing for Indian food and gelato. So far my chances look pretty good.
Happy day to you again.
ReplyDeleteBRIO! I loved the cafeteria lady column.
Very touching celebration of your family.
Happy happy Birthday, Brittany. May your wildest dreams come true.
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Bea! I love you.
ReplyDeleteBlasting Save Ferris in the car on the way to shopping was one of my favorite pastimes.
Sweet post :-) I keep reading it over
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We ate pizza hut when I was little too.
ReplyDeleteLol... dad was so clueless. Reading your diary to me...
ReplyDeleteYou're kidding, of course--not EVERYONE broke their wrist at Skate City--just ME!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday to a very talented and creative novelist who I am so proud of and love with all my heart.