It seems like one is expected to have a position on Valentine's day.
And it seems like it is hip to hate it
or hip to embrace it with homemade Valentine's and fancy heart-shaped rice ball bento boxes
(Japanese parents do it better?)
(Please, you know I jest).
I decided last night that I have a position on Valentine's and it is this--
--don't worry, you're not about to get Kama Sutra'd--
I love you.
I really mean that.
I love those of you who come here and read my words.
Those of you I know, and those of you I don't.
Those of you who leave comments, and those of you who simply leave a notch on my page counter. (We all have different styles. I get that.)
When I started blogging I had no idea what I was doing
or what I was doing this for.
And most days, I still don't, but I want you to know
I can't express in words how much it means to me.
To have you read my blog.
To feel your encouragement, and your love.
I hope some days, when the blogging stars align
you feel that love come back to you.
Some days your comments shore me up.
Some days your comments remind me why.
And even those of you who don't comment, I feel your presence
and some days that presence is what remembers unto me
that the world is a beautiful and loving place.
So Happy Valentine's day, my blog readers.
I hope you know that you are not alone, never alone.
And that I love you, but
more importantly
I believe there is a divine and loving presence
whatever you want to call it
(some days I call it Hermione)
that loves you
and accepts you
no matter what
no matter anything
exactly as you are.
And you, I happen to know, are fabulous.
Now, here are some pictures of bento boxes
to shore you up.

images from here, here, here, and here.
Please, one last thing:
here is my one true love Amanda Palmer
wife of Neil Gaiman
singing her song that makes my soul say, yes.
We love you, too. That's why we keep coming back!
ReplyDeleteHappy Valentine's Day, Britt and Noah. Hey, I don't think Amanda Palmer shaves under her arms... doesn't affect her singing voice though. Love and Hugs...Gramma
ReplyDeleteThey are married...I had no idea. Here is some love back from your blog readers: Your blog is amazing, and is constantly making me yearn to be a better writer. So thanks.
ReplyDeleteI love you, too, Bea. {Mayhaps I should start calling you Bee?}
ReplyDeleteAnyway... the bento boxes. Definitely proof that Japanese parents do it better. Definitely.
Love You Too! (was the exclamation point too stalkerish?)
ReplyDeleteWe Love you too!
ReplyDeleteI think we need blogs like yours to tell us, remind us, what we truly think and feel. We are so blathered, and brain washed by the media, and popular culture, that sometimes I think we are very out of touch with what we truly experience and truly feel.
Love Dad
I wanted to say something deep, something that would let you know that your blog-love is returned, at least 10 times over. Whatever I say, though, is pale, dare I say translucent, next to this:
ReplyDelete"We Love you too!
I think we need blogs like yours to tell us, remind us, what we truly think and feel. We are so blathered, and brain washed by the media, and popular culture, that sometimes I think we are very out of touch with what we truly experience and truly feel.
Love Dad"
Your Dad? Is awesome.
Aw, I'm a bit behind on some of my blogs so just found this. I love you! I love your blog! I love reading your honest words, so please keep writing them! :)